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Coleman Frost is committed to a complete client relationship to proactively help each of our clients manage the extraordinarily complex labor and employment issues that every company doing business in California faces.  We partner with clients from the first employee hired to national prominence.  Through our four-point client service model, Coleman Frost attorneys embed themselves in the mission, culture, and day-to-day procedure of each client on an individual basis, ensuring that our clients’ practices are consistent with the latest legislative enactments and court rulings, while remaining true to the client’s vision.


Those four points are:


1.         Evaluation.  Coleman Frost attorneys undertake a comprehensive review of client policies and procedures, including employee contracts, handbooks, policies, procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and past practices.  We get to know each of our client’s executives, Human Resources professionals, and key supervisory employees, gaining an understanding of the client’s culture, interior relationships, and business model.  From there, we identify policies, practices, and procedures to be customized, added, removed, or modified, in order to comply with current law, without burdening the client with unnecessary or redundant rules, and while carefully preserving the client’s structure and mission. 

2.         Integration.  Coleman Frost uses the client’s existing framework of rules and procedures to build a targeted and comprehensive suite of employment policies and practices tailored specifically to the individual client’s unique structure and needs.  We review the  law and regulations applicable to each aspect of our individual client’s businesses, and specifically address each in written policies which reflect the individual client’s culture and business practices.  At the conclusion of this phase, our client will have a complete HR/business practices/employment practices profile that is unique to that client but consistent with applicable law. 

3.         Administration.  Coleman Frost provides a full suite of advice, counseling, and dispute resolution services to supplement each client’s policies and agreements.  We provide training, advice, and counseling on an ongoing basis in order to maintain consistent administration and enforcement of policies in a manner that is compliant with state and federal law.   We tailor individual training and administrative modules to employees, supervisors, managers, and executive-level employees in order to provide appropriate structure and accountability across all departments and levels of responsibility, keeping each distinct division consistent with the client’s culture and business model. 

4.         Litigation.  The comprehensive nature of Coleman Frost’s service model ensures that we are best positioned to defend our clients, because we have worked with each client from the ground up.  Because of our deep knowledge of the law and regulations underlying the policies we draft, our familiarity with our clients due to the relationships we build through the first three phases of our model, and our years of litigation experience, Coleman Frost is willing and able to represent each of our clients in litigation, arbitration, mediation, or any other dispute resolution procedure that may apply.  Coleman Frost is also willing to work with EPLI carriers to represent our clients or to assist in any proceeding in which our clients become involved. 


Labor and employment law in California is extraordinarily complex, and employers face issues and potential liabilities that develop far more quickly than in other venues.  Our attorneys are prepared to help our clients grow and prosper while navigating pitfalls and minimizing potential liability.

Coleman Frost LLP

The Business Lawyers

201 Nevada Street

Smoky Hollow

El Segundo, California 90274​



© 2017 Coleman Frost LLP

All rights reserved

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